Josh T Pearson live in Brixton, London

Jan 1st 2010 | 0 COMMENTS

Josh Pearson is one of my favourite artists. He used to be in a band called Lift To Experience which produced one classic album, ‘The Texas Jerusalem Crossroads’. For a while Josh simply disappeared.

Josh T Pearson Full Gig at The Windmill, Brixton, December 2009 from Conor Masterson on Vimeo.

Josh T Pearson at The Windmill, Brixton, December 2009.

Almost the entire gig here bar a few memory card changes.

Lush new songs. Wonderful stuff, reverb heavy cascading notes with Andy Young on drums the drummer from Lift to Experience!

And a hat. In fact there were two hats.

I was delighted to come accross him playing solo at the All Tomorrows Parties festival curated by The Dirty Three in 2007. I photographed Josh in London the following week, you can see the results below.

This is Josh playing in The Windmill in Brixton in December 2009. He has gone electric again and playing with Andy Young from Lift To Experience.

Josh T Pearson Portrait

Technical stuff.. I shot this on Full HD with my Canon 5D MarkII. It is best viewed at full screen. Apologies for the sound, I wan’t planning to record the whole thing but it was such a great performance I didn’t stop! Next time I’m going to have a word with the sound guy and try a better mike placement.


About Conor

Conor is a photographer and film maker based in London. His images can be viewed on his website on the PHOTOGRAPHY and FILM links above. This blog is a good place to see all sorts of personal work and general projects in progress.

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