Showing posts archived in: Fashion

Djupavik A Short film for HIGH

Aug 14th 2014 | 0 COMMENTS

Iceland. Remote. Epic. Fashion. History. Decay and Re-birth. All the ingredients of a good stew.

Djupavik - A short film for HIGH from Conor Masterson on Vimeo.

I’m pleased to be able present a new film for High. It is called Djupavik and features Ilse De Boer and Sophie Vlaming.

Iceland is a very young country sitting on ...

Noir Portraits disposing of the bodies

Jul 15th 2014 | 0 COMMENTS
Thumbnails 1 OF 10

You know that age old problem, what to do with photographs of murder, adultery, gangsters, patriarchs, matriarchs, cut throat razors, beautiful corpses strangled with a shower hose? Ok, it’s just me then.

I grew up reading fantasy comics and drawing constantly. I distinctly remember my cousin frowning when I drew guns and explosions in my colouring books

Flower still life

Jul 1st 2014 | 0 COMMENTS

New short film for fashion label HIGH featuring Kim Noorda and Ilse de Boer

Aug 2nd 2013 | 0 COMMENTS

My new film is a fashion short made for HIGH featuring Kim Noorda and Ilse de Boer

Ilse de Boer for HIGH

This is my first film for the Italian fashion brand HIGH designed by Claire Campbell.

It was important for me to make it as authentic as possible. I didn’t want to ...


About Conor

Conor is a photographer and film maker based in London. His images can be viewed on his website on the PHOTOGRAPHY and FILM links above. This blog is a good place to see all sorts of personal work and general projects in progress.

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